Saturday, June 19, 2010


Follow my comment to Joshua's blog here.


See my comment on Marci's blogspot here.


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a web 2.0 tool designed by CAST for book building. UDL was developed on CAST’s research of three primary brain networks and their functions on understanding differences. The brain research networks are strategic network, affective network and recognition network. The program creates flexible goal oriented lessons with assessments that support learning for all students. Student diversity has increased in the 21st century. For that reason, classes are made of both, good and struggle readers. Students struggle in reading due to different learning disabilities, English language barriers, lack of interest, behavioral problems and many others. As a response to differences in learning styles, teachers use UDL to build books that allows learners to acquire new information and knowledge. The books bring engagement and excitement by providing learning alternatives to all students.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Follow my comments to Jason's blog here


BP5_2010062_Web_2.0_ Tool

A concept map is a visual representation that shows the relationship between different items in a figure. The map uses boxes, words or phrases, symbols and arrows (Novak & Cañas 2006). A concept map is a tangible way to display concepts. It is a reflection of what people know or what they do not know. Cmap is a new web 2.0 tool used by teachers to construct, share and criticize information as concept maps. The tool allows users to construct Cmaps on any computer, and share them on CmapServers anywhere on the Internet. The constructed Cmaps can easily be used to link, edit and create web pages with other Internet users. Editing can be done at the same time on the Internet with all involved parties (Alberto, 2009). CmapTools are used worldwide in organizing information, brainstorming and training in schools by government organizations, small companies as well as corporations (Novak & Gowin, 1984). CmapTools are free for commercial or non-commercial use and can be downloaded and installed on an unlimited number of computers. In schools, students and teachers are allowed to make copies for their home use.

Alberto. J. (2009). What is a Concept. Retrieved on June 12, 2010 from:

Novak. D. & J Cañas. A. (2006). Technical Report IHMC CmapTools. Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition. Retrieved on June 12, 2010 from:

Novak, J. D. & Gowin, D. B. (1984). Learning How to Learn. New York: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved on June 12, 2010 from:

Monday, June 7, 2010


A blog is a web page that contains information arranged in chronological order. Blogs can be in the form of journals, diaries, or links to other web sites (Scott, 2001). Entries are dated, with the most recent displayed in chronological order at the top. The oldest entry appears at the bottom. In education, blogs have 4 main uses: (1) classroom management; (2) collaboration; (3) discussion; and (4) student portfolios (Nguyen, 2006).

Blogs in the classroom can serve as a portal for communication between the educator and student. Educators post classroom information like class requirements, homework assignments and deadlines, reading lists, handouts and notices. Blogs can also be used as a platform for questioning and answering questions.

Collaboration is one of the main uses in blogging. They provide a platform for teacher-student interaction. Both work together as they develop writing or other skills that need instant audience. Teachers provide instructional tips, while students develop skills and benefit from their peers through reviews. Collaboration enhances cooperative learning through relay of research findings and ideas.

Classroom blogs provides channels for student’s discussions. These can either be class or non-class related. Blogs also allows for equal opportunities to share new and old information. Students freely present their opinions, and receive feedback from other students as well as teachers. Teachers and students network on discussions or classroom topics. Students mentor themselves through project developments. Blogs in the classroom can be used to present and organize information or ideas in the form of digital portfolios. Publication of student ideas acts as extrinsic motivation to


Nguyen. T. (2006). Blogs in Education: Retrieved June 4, 2010 from

Scott. P. ( 2001). Blogs in Education. Retrieved June 4, 2010 from:

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Quizinator is a Web 2.0 tool mainly used by educators for creating, storing and printing worksheets. Being a teacher, I found Quizinator be a very useful tool. As I searched for a Web 2.0 tool, I was looking for something that will make my life easier as a teacher. The above tool is completely free to use, and for as long as the subscriber wishes to keep it. The tool can be easily accessed online from anywhere. The use of floppies, thumb drives or emails to move documents is no longer necessary. The tool uses customized question libraries that easily creates worksheets, studysheets, quizzes, exams, handouts and more. Quizinator sends out regular email newsletters and provides daily backups.

Eastaugh. B. (2010). Quizinator. Retrieved from:


US department of Education
As a parent and educator, the US department of education is very important feed to me for a number of reasons. First, the department has up to date information on the numbers of students attending schools. Besides attendance, the department also has reports on graduates and dropouts in public, private as well as colleges. I like this feed because it has current rules and laws affecting educators and students.

This feed provides news on current technology affecting peoples lives . The news is not only limited to computers, but machinery and equipment used in the medical field. The feed provides updates on genome sequencing, latest cellphones, biofuels, electronic cars, cancer, stem cells, televisions, music and diseases. I like this feed because it sends out universal news covering things that affect people's daily lives. As stated above, some of the news has nothing to do with computers. computer

Student Loans
As a student, this feed is very important to me because it has information on student loans. It has information on private and government student, and interest on each for repayment. The feed also provides information that compares different lenders, and grants and loans for teachers. The feed also has information on how to fill out FAFSA application for both graduates and undergraduate students. What I really like about this feed is that it has information on loan forgiveness, consolidation, work study for within the US and abroad as well as other issues pertaining to student loans.

Health care in Public Schools
As a teacher, health care is important in the public school system. An outbreak of any disease may lead to closures of schools to ensure student's safety. An example is the Swine Flu outbreak that affect schools in the US as well as other countries. This feed provides information on health care on public schools. This includes outbreaks and the costs of health care in different school districts. One of the most recent update I received was on how school districts are struggling with high health care costs. Some schools have cut down on their budgets in order to keep up with the high medical expenses.

Standardized Testing
With the ever increasing high standards being set by the government, schools have been left with no choice but to teach to the test. Standardized testing are supposed to measure student's growth and understanding of the course content. The tests do not seem to be achieving their purposes. Programs like the No Child Left Behind have put a lot of pressure on educators and have result in teachers teaching to the test. I like this feed because it sends current information on student's passing and failing scores. It breaks down information according to different subgroups like African American, White, Hispanics and minorities which makes it easier to examine the numbers. This data is important to me, because it gives me an indication of how educators are preparing students for the future.
